The lab is devoted to the development of innovative methodologies in the micro-scale for the study of DNA and proteins and has an internationally recognized expertise in polymer chemistry, surface modifications for biosensors and microarrays.

We develop methods for a wide range of medical applications including:

DNA mutations, cancer circulating DNA

Allergy, inflammation, neurodegenerative and infectious disease diagnostics

The interdisciplinary characteristics of the team and its collocation at the interface between biology and chemistry ensure an incisive work of development of advanced methodologies, materials and protocols for nanomedicine,  molecular diagnostics and biomarker discovery. We work in the framework of several national and international collaborative projects, with a strong focus to system integration and technology development

Polymers and surface chemistry for bio-analytical devices
DNA microarrays for point mutations and liquid biopsy
Protein and peptide microarrays for serological diagnostics
Novel bioassays and system integration. Point of care devices

Featured publications

Direct Observation of Conformation of a Polymeric Coating with Implications in Microarray Applications

A. Yalçın; F. Damin; E. Özkumur; G. di Carlo; B. B. Goldberg; M. Chiari; M. S. Ünlü

Analyticl Chemistry  2009, 81, 625-630.

DOI: 10.1021/ac801954x

Silicon biochips for dual label-free and fluorescence detection: application to protein microarrays development 

M. Cretich, A. Reddington, M. Monroe, M. Bagnati, F. Damin, L. Sola, M.S. Unlu, M. Chiari

Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2011) 26: 3938-3943

DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2011.03.016

Click chemistry immobilization of antibodies on polymer coated gold nanoparticles

C. Finetti, L. Sola, M. Pezzullo, D. Prosperi, M. Colombo, B. Riva, S. Avvakumova, C. Morasso, S. Picciolini, M. Chiari

Langmuir, 2016, 32 (29), pp 7435–7441

DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b01142

Multiple epitope presentation and surface density control enabled by chemoselective immobilization leads to enhanced performance in IgE-binding fingerprinting on peptide microarrays

A. Gori, M. Cretich, R. Vanna, L. Sola, P. Gagni, M. Liprino, G. Bruni, F. Gramatica, S. Burastero, M. Chiari.

Analytica Chimica Acta (2017) 983: 189-197

DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2017.06.027

Contacts & Opportunities

Master thesis and research training projects are available, students are welcome to apply. A 6-months notice is advisable.

PhD and Post Doc positions will be not advertised, if you are interested in joining our lab please send directly an application including your full CV and a motivation letter to: 

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